Eluents - HPLC solvents

Eluents of all purity grades for HPLC

In order to achieve the most accurate and batch-independent results possible in chromatography using an HPLC column, high-purity solvents such as acetonitrile, methanol, n-hexane, but also high-purity water are required for use as the mobile phase. These so-called eluents are available in our online store at low prices and in all purity grades (HPLC Grade, Optigrade, Gradient Grade, LC-MS Grade). Choose the right product from manufacturers such as Honeywell, Merck, Riedel de Haen, J.T. Baker and Promochem.

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Eluents in chromatography

Elution is the removal or dissolution of substances from a stationary phase. In chromatography, the stationary phase can consist of both solid and liquid material. In this process, a mobile phase, which is composed of one or more solvents, is passed past the stationary phase. This mobile phase is referred to as the eluent or flow agent. In order to achieve the best possible results with various types of columns, a large number of different eluents are available in different degrees of purity.

Choosing the right eluent

For the correct application of a chromatographic method, the selection of the appropriate eluent is of elementary importance. Which eluent is selected depends, among other things, on the HPLC column used and the detector employed. For example, in order not to negatively influence the detection of the substances, UV detectors require superplasticizers that do not show any residual absorption at the wavelength used. In order to exclude any influence on the chromatography, in the best case the solvent of the respective substance should be used as eluent - if this is not possible, the superplasticizer and solvent should at least have a similar structure or be well miscible. Methanol, for example, can be used as an eluent in UV detectors with a measuring range above 230 nm. It has low toxicity compared to acetonitrile and is inexpensive. Acetonitrile, on the other hand, is suitable for use with UV detectors that measure in ranges of 200 nm (or less) and has a lower viscosity than methanol when mixed with water. This is significant in that too high a viscosity will increase the pressure and may cause the measurement to be aborted. Acetonitrile also has a comparatively high eluting power

Eluents for laboratory analytics - available from our online store

as an experienced specialist dealer, we at WICOM offer you a comprehensive range of products that are needed to carry out successful analyses. You will find a wide range of different eluents as well as other products of all kinds from the field of chromatography in our online store.
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